Episode 060: The Game Awards, and Stuff
This one is a backlogger. Sorry. Caleb and Ryan got together and recorded back in December. We complain a bit about how bad the Xbox mobile app is, dig into the GTA VI trailer, Caleb gushes for a bit about Spider-Man 2, and then we go through the Game Awards and our thoughts, including how sad we are that E3 is officially dead.
Episode 053: E3 Wrap Up (Late Upload)
Sorry for the delay of game everyone. Crazy few weeks of stuff at the house and all around, really. Come hang with the crew as they discuss all the stuff that happened at E3. We talk about our favorites, we express our disappointment with Keighley's somewhat lackluster SGF showcase. All in all though, we enjoyed all the game news and can't wait for the rest of the year to play out!
Episode 052: Fanning the Hammer at the Nun
Whoa…do you hear that? It’s the sound of your favorite videogame podcast, back from the depths! We’ve returned. We’ve been busy. Tune in to hear us chat about all the game shows coming in the next several days, Diablo 4, Battlefield 2042, career games, and so much more. Including an anecdote from Hunt: Showdown (hence the title).