podcast Caleb Sawyer podcast Caleb Sawyer

Procedural Generations S1 E6: Anthem

We have finished going through the Mass Effect titles, games that we loved so much. Now it is time to turn our focus to Anthem, the most recent - and perhaps most maligned - release from developer BioWare. @CalamityXTJane and @LubWub both played Anthem. They wanted to give it a chance. But something about it just felt so…un-BioWare.

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podcast Caleb Sawyer podcast Caleb Sawyer

Procedural Generations S1:E1 - An Introduction

It is finally here! @LubWub and his grandmother (he calls her Nanny, and it is adorable) @CalamityXTJane sit down to talk about video games and how they have changed their lives in this brand new podcast Procedural Generations. This first season is focused on the BioWare games they have played, specifically the Mass Effect series and Anthem. New episodes will release every other week!

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